The Offer: UK online supermarket Ocado recently extended its delivery service to the West of England and South Wales. New shoppers in those areas received an £15 discount ($25) on their first order.?
The Data: Ocado sent an email to pre-registered customers in those new markets when the service launched, informing them they could shop with Ocado. The grocery delivery service also deployed pay-per-click ads and display advertising to announce the expansion.?
?The Channel: In addition to email and online ads, the multichannel campaign consisted of billboards in Cardiff, Bristol and Bath and taxi ads in Bristol and Cardiff. Coupons in WHSmith retail stores offered deals on first orders. Inserts were added to deliveries from UK Amazon and Lovefilm, a film subscription service. The campaign ran from early March through early April.?
?The Creative: Creative, executed in-house, features grocery-related puns on local place names such as “Pickle to Cheddar” and “Soap to Bath” to highlight Ocado’s presence in those regions. Outdoor ads raised awareness.?
Herschell Gordon Lewis heads LewisEnterprises in Pompano Beach, Fla.
He writes copy for, consults with,
and conducts workshops for clients
worldwide. He is the author of 32
books including the best-selling On
the Art of Writing Copy. Lewis has
been elected to the Direct Marketing
Association’s Hall of Fame.
This short-term campaign used established and classic distribution techniques to deliver the “now here” communication to logical prospects. The message itself uses words that combine clever attention-getting with clarity. A discount is a sure-fire grabber; for the outdoor signs, quickly-absorbed messages such as “Pickle to Cheddar” and “Soap to Bath” use just 14 words. The communication avoids the too-common danger of overkill.?