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Overview Office introduces creative-boosting beer at work

Creative Office Beer
Creative Office Beer

Overview Office, a vibrant branding and design agency, has unveiled a novel initiative to ward off ‘creative stagnation’. The intriguing strategy is suggested by the founder, James Sedgwick-Taylor, drawing upon conclusions from a 2018 study.

This study, led by Professor Andrew Jarosz in 2018, indicated that a slight state of inebriation could possibly enhance creative problem-solving capacities. Engaging twenty participants, the research discovered that those who consumed small quantities of alcohol performed better in word association tasks than their sober colleagues, with their results illuminating a new aspect of liquor’s effect on cognition.

Inspired by these discoveries, Overview Office has begun incorporating a low-alcohol beer into its working day to boost creativity.

Boosting creativity with beer at Overview Office

Sedgwick-Taylor praises this method’s potential to stimulate creativity, bringing a unique spin on office dynamics.

Aiding the initiative, Overview Office cooperated with a local brewery to create a medium-strength lager they’ve charmingly dubbed ‘Creative Juice.’ The beer’s packaging mirrors its purpose, featuring a neat, humorous design that encapsulates its role as a workday stimulant, and the crisp flavor has quickly gained popularity in the office.

The cans of Creative Juice are distinctively designed, featuring vibrant blue text and an engaging illustration against a classic silver backdrop. The product stands as a testament to innovation, offering a casual drinking experience that does not compromise on flavor, encouraging consumers to tap into their creativity with every sip.

Further promoting the product, a promotional film was created featuring an Overview designer as ‘the world’s most unmotivated man,’ who rediscovers his creative prowess after consuming the beer. Although Creative Juice is not yet commercially available, Sedgwick-Taylor encourages creatives engaged in demanding projects to reach out to Overview and experience the distinctive mix of imbibing and creating.

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