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PPC Denies Accusations, Ensures Tender Fairness

Tender Fairness
Tender Fairness


On January 7, 2024, the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) addressed claims made by David Patterson, an ex-Minister of Public Infrastructure. Patterson had accused the Commission of glossing over the administrative review process related to a grievance filed by Akamai Inc regarding the tender procedure. In response to Patterson’s allegations, the PPC issued a statement vehemently denying any negligence in the administrative review process, and further outlined the steps taken to ensure a transparent and unbiased evaluation of Akamai Inc’s grievance. The Commission emphasized its commitment to maintaining integrity and fairness in public procurement, highlighting the rigorous procedures and multiple levels of scrutiny involved in evaluating tenders and addressing concerns raised by stakeholders.

Patterson’s accusations

Patterson alleged that the review failed to meet the expectations of a constitutional agency. Furthermore, he emphasized that the lack of rigor in the review process undermines the credibility and authority of the constitutional agency. It is crucial, he argued, for such institutions to uphold the highest standards of impartiality and thoroughness in order to maintain public trust and confidence.

PPC’s response to accusations

The PPC refuted these allegations in a statement, claiming that Patterson did not provide accurate information on the matter, which can be found on their public website. They further emphasized the importance of transparency and adhering to the proper guidelines when addressing such issues. The PPC also encouraged open dialogue and fact-checking in order to prevent misinformation and misunderstandings in the future.

Politics and impartiality

Additionally, the Commission accused Patterson of attempting to bring politics into the situation. The Commission believes that Patterson’s actions could potentially undermine the impartiality of the decision-making process. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of keeping political beliefs separate from such situations to preserve fairness and transparency.

Voting process and participation

The PPC pointed out that, contrary to Patterson’s allegations of only People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) representatives voting on the issue, all members participated, except for the Alliance for Change (AFC) candidate – a member of Patterson’s own party. In fact, this unanimous participation from the various political party representatives further demonstrates the transparency and inclusivity of the decision-making process. Moreover, it calls into question the validity of Patterson’s claims and highlights the importance of collaboration among the different parties to ensure a fair and democratic outcome.


The Public Procurement Commission’s response to David Patterson’s allegations showcases the organization’s dedication to maintaining transparency, fairness, and impartiality in the tender process. By addressing the accusations head-on and providing clarification on the procedures followed, the PPC has reaffirmed the importance of proper guidelines and open communication in safeguarding public trust in the public procurement process. It also serves as a reminder of the significance of collaboration and unbiased decision-making for ensuring fair and democratic practices in any sphere, particularly in matters related to public procurement and governmental decision-making.
First Reported on: stabroeknews.com


What were David Patterson’s accusations against the PPC?

David Patterson, an ex-Minister of Public Infrastructure, accused the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) of glossing over the administrative review process related to a grievance filed by Akamai Inc regarding the tender procedure. He alleged that the review did not meet the expectations of a constitutional agency and undermined its credibility and authority.

How did the PPC respond to Patterson’s accusations?

The PPC issued a statement vehemently denying any negligence in the administrative review process and provided clarification on the steps undertaken to ensure a transparent and unbiased evaluation of Akamai Inc’s grievance. They accused Patterson of providing inaccurate information and attempting to bring politics into the situation, which could potentially undermine the impartiality of their decision-making process.

Did all members participate in the PPC’s review process?

Contrary to Patterson’s allegations, the PPC stated that all members, except for the Alliance for Change (AFC) candidate – a member of Patterson’s own party, participated in the review process. This unanimous participation from the various political party representatives demonstrates the transparency and inclusivity of the decision-making process.

What principles does the PPC emphasize in its decision-making process?

The PPC emphasizes the importance of transparency, fairness, and impartiality in its decision-making process. They also uphold the highest standards of integrity in public procurement and encourage open dialogue and fact-checking to prevent misinformation and misunderstandings.

How does the PPC’s response showcase their dedication to transparency and fairness?

The PPC’s response to David Patterson’s allegations highlights their dedication to maintaining transparency, fairness, and impartiality in the tender process. By addressing the accusations head-on and providing clarification on the procedures followed, the PPC reaffirms the importance of proper guidelines and open communication in order to safeguard public trust in the public procurement process.

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