Pro-Russian hackers launched a cyberattack on December 28, 2024, targeting the websites of Italy’s Foreign Ministry and two major airports in Milan. The hacker group NoName057(16) claimed responsibility for the attacks on their Telegram channel. The denial of service (DDoS) attacks began at 8 a.m. local time and disrupted the foreign ministry’s website as well as the sites of Milan-Malpensa and Milan-Linate airports.
The affected websites had to shut down temporarily, but the disruptions did not impact any flights, according to Italy’s cybersecurity agency (ACN). ACN clarified that the cyberattacks “affected only the sites available to users, not the systems that regulate the flow of flights or even the apps or websites of the individual flight companies.”
In a Telegram post claiming responsibility, NoName057(16) stated, “Russophobes get a well-deserved cyber response.” Pro-Russian hackers have targeted various entities across Europe since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, aiming to challenge Western support for Ukraine.
Pro-Russian group disrupts Italian sites
Italy recently approved a decree on December 24, extending military support to Ukraine through 2025. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who assumed office in late 2022, has consistently backed Kyiv and pledged unwavering assistance until the war concludes. The cyberattack also affected public transport networks in Siena and Turin.
However, Italy’s cyber security agency reported that the attack was mitigated in less than two hours. This incident highlights the ongoing threat posed by pro-Russian hacker groups targeting NATO member states and their public institutions and strategic sectors.