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R2C Group adds Adroit technology

Direct response agency R2C Group has added Adroit technol­ogy to its collection of services, enabling it to manage clients’ online display ad creative and adjust the ads’ elements in real time.

As a third-party platform, Adroit allows agencies to test clients’ ads and provide geo-targeting.

“[Previously], online metrics didn’t really follow the rules of good direct marketing science,” said Judy Gern, CEO of Adroit Interactive. “There’s a big differ­ence between relative performance and exact numbers. In direct mar­keting, [relative numbers] are just not enough information.”

Adroit also can be used along­side ad servers and other Web analytics software.

“It’s incredibly opportunistic,” said Chris Peterson, president and managing partner of R2C Group. “If something happens in the mar­ketplace that affects a client’s busi­ness, they can react in a matter of hours rather than weeks.”

“You can’t have these incredible media technologies being held back by an industry that still views creative as something it produces statically,” Gern said.

R2C’s clients include General Mills and Chase. Adroit also works with ESPN 360, agency Hill Holliday and did some work with the Obama campaign.

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