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RR Donnelley in $500 million deal with Publishing Group of America

R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. has been awarded a $500 million, multi-year agreement by Publishing Group of America.

The deal renews and expands RR Donnelley’s relationship with the publisher of titles such as American Profile, Relish and Spry. Publishing Group of America also provides custom publishing services. All future printing, logistics and premedia services are covered under the agreement.

RR Donnelley’s “financial strength, ability to provide on-site premedia services, their proven production platform and sophisticated logistics resources are an ideal match with our challenging requirements,” said Richard Porter, CEO of Publishing Group of America, in a statement. 

Publishing Group of America’s magazine titles are distributed to subscribers and newsstand purchasers of approximately 1,100 weekly and smaller market daily newspapers. The production and delivery of millions of copies of the titles, in the right quantities, on the right schedules, to the right newspapers for distribution requires tight coordination between publisher and printer. 

 “Readers from coast-to-coast who enjoy Publishing Group of America’s magazines probably cannot begin to guess at the complex process that brings these titles to their doors,” said Tom Quinlan, RR Donnelley’s president and CEO, in a statement.

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