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UNICEF’s innovative marketing programs honored

I enjoyed my lunch today at the Nokia Theater at the opening day kick-off of Advertising Week, hosted by the Advertising Club. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF was honored for its innovative marketing programs including the Tap Project and Pampers’ “One Pack = One Vaccine” cause marketing.

The Tap Project was especially interesting, with David Droga, creative chairman and founder of Droga5 turning tap water into its own brand. It sounded like a truly integrated program that used viral marketing, PR, online, print media and TV — as well as partnerships with restaurants around the country — to bring attention to the fact that thousands of children die every day around the world from water-borne diseases. And Melissa Vasilev, assistant brand manager, Pampers NA Initiatives, at Procter & Gamble talked about the Pampers cause marketing campaign, which resulted in donations of more than 45 million vaccines, used paid search, print, digital and in-store marketing to get its point across.

These two overarching campaigns clearly take nonprofit and cause-related marketing to an entirely new level — something I hope we’ll continue to see more of in the future.

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