Verizon Wireless has partnered with mobile commerce firm Danal on a payment service that will debut later this spring. The agreement will extend Danal’s platform, now available in South Korea, to US consumers.
Under the terms of the partnership, which was announced March 22, Verizon Wireless will use Danal’s BilltoMobile payment service to let customers charge online purchases to their Verizon bills. The platform will enable buys of online downloadable content from BilltoMobile partners, including online game publishers, virtual worlds and social networks.
Consumers will be required to give their mobile number and ZIP code during the purchasing process. The service will feature a $25-per-month spending limit, as well as content and parental controls for accounts. Customers will be able to manage their use online.
Representatives from Verizon Wireless and Danal could not be immediately reached for comment.