Year-old online jewelry retailer launched its first loyalty reward program on October 9. The company launched the program to increase its customer base.
The program allows online shoppers to earn one gold reward point for every dollar they spend on site. Post-purchase, consumers can also earn points by posting reviews of those products, winning three points for each review. Users also receive three points for subscribing to Joolwe’s e-newsletter, which goes out at least twice a month.
Customers can redeem points for discounts on large-ticket items or for the purchase of jewelry pieces from a special catalog section of the company’s Web site.
Jewelry available for redemption in the catalog starts at 24 gold points.
“People’s shopping habits have changed,” said Ryan Cheng, founder of “Jewelry is typically thought of as a luxury item, so especially when people are experiencing a lack of credit and money is tight, they don’t want to spend the money.”
To promote the site, is giving any blogger who writes about the program 30 gold points. Cheng said he plans to run this blogger-reward offer until Mother’s Day of next year.
Additionally, is working with its affiliate network — ShareASale, which gets a percentage of the online sales it drives — for cross promotion on affiliated sites.
Cheng said that the program was timed for the upcoming holiday shopping season.
“Even in tough times, people still want to give gifts to important people in their lives,” he said.
Cheng added that he hopes to begin work with charities to donate a percentage of sales when a user enters a unique coupon code. He wouldn’t name specific charities involved, but said the program is “in development.”