WhitePages today named as its CMO Kevin Flaherty, a veteran brand marketer who most recently helped polish the e-commerce capabilities of Ritani.com, a top seller of engagement rings. He is charged with building brand recognition and customer acquisition in unifying the company’s B2B and B2C marketing efforts.
“WhitePages has grown rapidly over the past year, and bringing in a seasoned marketing executive with a solid skill set like Kevin’s is a great asset to us,” said WhitePages CEO Alex Algard in a statement announcing the appointment. “Kevin’s expertise will drive continued growth of WhitePages’ consumer products and for our B2B division, WhitePages PRO, which is quickly expanding its presence in areas such as identity verification, payments authorization, and CRM.”
Beginning his career as a brand manager at Colgate-Palmolive, Flaherty moved to marketing positions at Amazon and Precor before taking over as GM of Clear.com at Clearwire, a broadband ISP provider. From there, he took over as VP Marketing of Ritani.
WhitePages claims to draw 50 million unique users a month to websites such as WhitePages.com and 411.com, which provide contact information for more than 200 million individuals and 30 million businesses in the U.S.