For marketers, celebrities and social media influencers, Twitter has introduced a new set of tweet analytics.
The new analytics feature generates reports on the performance of individual tweets as well as the overall performance of a particular account over a specified time period. These figures include impressions, retweets, favorites and clicks on links. The analytics are available to anyone with a Twitter advertising, Twitter Cards or Verified account.
Here’s what the analytics dashboard looks like for an account’s performance over a certain period:
And here’s what the analytics look like for an individual tweet:
For marketers, these analytics were previously only available through Twitter’s Certified Marketing Partners, which included platforms such as Sprinklr, Hootsuite, Buffer or to a lesser extent, TweetDeck. By rolling out its own analytics tool, Twitter has a quick and easy solution for small business marketers who don’t have access to enterprise social media management tools, or someone who would like to become more influential on its platform. It’s also made Twitter more B2B friendly, since marketers utilizing the Twitter Cards ad format can track things like clicks, downloads or profile views to see just how successful those campaigns are.
Writing on Twitter’s blog, Adam Schoenfeld, CEO of social media analytics tool (and Twitter Certified Partner) Simply Measured highlighted the usefulness of the new analytics for marketers:
“With social media maturing as a marketing channel, measurement is the top priority for brands looking to understand performance and scale investment. By allowing access to real impression data, Twitter is giving businesses a relevant benchmark to compare social marketing outcomes with other digital channels.”
By getting Schoenfeld to talk about how useful the analytics are, Twitter is also sending a message to its marketing platform API partners, letting them know there’s still use for them even if Twitter’s making its own tools for marketers.
Additionally, these richer analytics allow Twitter to effectively compete with Facebook, which also introduced more in-depth analytics for its Page managers last year. The difference is organic reach on Facebook is becoming all but non-existent, whereas marketers on Twitter still have a chance of reaching a wide audience.