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Women more likely to shop, research products online after giving birth: report

Women are more likely to begin shopping and researching products online after becoming a parent, according to the findings of the first annual Totsy‘s “Mom Shopping Trends” report.

“Today, moms are considered a power consumer,” said Maria Bailey, CEO of BSM Media, a firm dedicated to marketing to mothers, at a March 22 Totsy event in New York. “They’re buying more than just diapers. Women who are raising children need to save a few dollars.”

The report found that Generation Y mothers do not use in-store promotions to find deals on products. Members of both Generations X and Y were likely to conduct online research and reviews (Baby Boomers were less likely to conduct research and reviews, but were most likely to be concerned with price and quality).

Baby Boomers also lagged behind when it comes to purchasing from online sale sites, such as Totsy. Generations X and Y purchase from these sites at a high rate (with 84% having made purchases of 20 items or less), according to the report, with boomers slightly behind (only 76% had purchased 20 items or less).

Thirty-two percent of respondents said shopping at online private sale sites are among their top three cost-saving techniques. 

Eighty-two percent of Generation Y moms referred online purchasing sites to friends and family, while 80% of Generation X moms made referrals. Boomers lagged in this category as well; only 70% said they would make such references.

The two surveys that comprise the report, which was released March 22, surveyed 1,930 mothers about their shopping experiences during the recession, the emotions behind purchases, how shopping patterns differ by generation, the rising trend of sales sites, and how holiday seasons factor into spending.

The statistics, highlighting online shopping trends and private sales sites, are based on responses from 975 mothers. Respondents were incentivized to participate by a sweepstakes to win Totsy credits for future purchases.

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