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Rising quit rate among UK’s black PR professionals

"Black PR Rise"
“Black PR Rise”

In a recent comprehensive survey of 170 UK PR professionals of black and mixed-race origin, a staggering 68% considered quitting the profession, a marked jump from 12% in 2022 and 7% in 2020. Growing dissatisfaction rooted in systemic racism and the prevalent lack of diversity in the public relations sector have been identified as key drivers behind these alarming figures. The mental health effects and career progress impediments stemming from such experiences call for urgent, tangible actions for reform.

Salient issues include concerns over salaries and career advancement (31%), a lack of diversity and representation (15%), and unaddressed microaggressions (14%). Furthermore, dissatisfaction with the work culture, work-life balance issues, job security fears, difficulties with management, and challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic also contribute to the trend of individuals seeking new career opportunities.

The drawn attention to alternative career paths include media, data analysis/research, and project management. Intriguingly, 22% were contemplating entrepreneurial pursuits. An estimated 18% showed interest in media-related operations, with data analysis/research and project management attracting 25% and 30% respectively. Additionally, 5% were undecided, exploring their interests and potential career possibilities.

Only 35% of the surveyed professionals deemed their companies to be transparent regarding their pay structures and promotional opportunities.

Escalating exodus among black UK PR professionals

This is a decline from 51% in 2022 and a slight drop compared to 37% in 2020. Evidently, increasing distrust and dissatisfaction arise regarding companies’ transparency on pay and promotions.

Roughly 46% of these professionals decided to switch companies after being overlooked during promotions. This highlights a growing sense of being underappreciated and undervalued, thereby driving job mobility and creating a competitive talent market. Companies now face more pressure to establish an environment that attracts and keeps good talent.

In leadership roles within the PR industry, 74% of the survey participants noted a lack of diversity. Observations revealed an excess of black employees in junior positions (71%) and disregard for systemic racism (69%). Only a small fraction (29%) believed they had a fair shot at senior-level roles. Low confidence levels among employees in effective diversity and inclusion initiatives have deepened the disconnect between efforts put in and the results produced.

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