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Amazon Didn’t Toy With Prices This Christmas


Do you think as many Americans would disrupt their Thanksgiving holidays with shopping trips if they had access to the chart below, compiled by pricing insights company 360pi? Target, Toys R Us, and Walmart all offered lower prices on toys after Black Friday this year—in some cases decidedly so. Toy pricing, on average, was 8% lower at Toys R Us on December 2 than it was on the nation’s biggest shopping day of November 28, and Walmart price tags declined by 6% on December 4.

In the online retail arena, however, Amazon proved itself the everyday low holiday pricer, rarely deviating its toy prices by more than a percentage point on any day. The trend even held fast after December 20—Super Saturday—when all brick-and-mortar players raised prices, Walmart by as much as 14%.

Here is a charting of the Christmas Story according to 360pi:


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