William Terdoslavich
99 posts
Customer Obsession: A Necessity
The customer is everything. You cannot sell anything without a buyer. Customer obsession is necessary. So how do…
Will Amazon Take Over Christmas?
Santa Claus had a hunch he was not keeping up with the times. Children wrote letters, addressed to…
Putting the Customer at the Center
Place the customer at the center of your business and you will prosper. But how? Brands make a…
New Adobe Study Confirms Email is Still Important
It may seem like old technology, but email still matters as a major channel for reaching the consumer,…
How Brands Should Prepare For and Respond to PR Crises
Bad things happen to good brands. It could be the result of sloppy customer service, or an errant…
Getting Inside Your Head
So why did you buy that? You think you know, but you don’t really know. People are funny…
Where Did That Customer Go?
Search. Found it. Click. Looks good. Click. Go to checkout. Nothing happens. Why? Another online shopper just disappeared.…
Don’t Judge an App by its Size
The micro app has been with us for a while — on the enterprise side. Since the concept…
Figuring Out Voice SEO
Asking a computer to do something is as old as “Open the pod bay door please, HAL?” It…
Get Smart About Intelligent Agents
Everyone wants an easy answer. For the digital marketer, that can be hard to get…and expensive. Online retailers…