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CyberMonday Beats Black Friday Again

CyberMonday held on to its distinction as the busiest and most productive day of the year for online sellers, topping sales recorded last Friday by more than 25%, according IBM Commerce’s Watson Trend Report. Yesterday’s sales topped CyberMonday 2014’s by 18%.

Perhaps because it’s the final whack at five days of savings for consumers, conversion rates soared on Monday. The average rate was 5.37% compared to Friday’s 4.20%, and new site visitors converted at 4.39% versus 3.26%. Shopping cart sessions were 12% higher Monday over Friday and abandoned carts were 5% lower.

Monday was a bigger day for desktop shopping. Only 37% of traffic on shopping sites came via smartphone, as opposed to 43% on Friday. Desktops turned in an average 7.5% conversion rate and accounted for 72% of website sales on Monday versus 64% of sales and a 6.4% conversion on Friday.

Paw Patrol, Oculus rift, Nexus 9 tablets, Skullcandy headphones, and Klipsch speakers were among the fastest-moving products, according to Watson. Also trending upward were “natural” running shoes such as Nike Free, Skylanders video games, Star Wars interactive droids, and single-wheeled “hoverboards.”


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