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DixonBaxi introduces tangram-inspired branding for Storey

"Tangram Storey Branding"
“Tangram Storey Branding”

DixonBaxi, a renowned design studio, has recently launched a fresh, tangram-inspired branding for Storey, a provider of co-working spaces. The new branding, which draws heavily from the Chinese puzzle consisting of seven pieces, mirrors Storey’s vision of flexibility, creativity, and diversity.

Storey, known for its bespoke office environments tailored to unique business needs, embraces DixonBaxi’s inventive design as part of its commitment to providing inspiring workspaces. The design aims to enhance the user experience, ensuring every interaction is distinct and memorable.

The new branding initiative signifies a continued partnership between DixonBaxi and Storey’s parent company, British Land, aiming to create a cohesive brand image and collective reputation in the industry.

Introducing tangram-inspired branding for Storey

The innovative design enhances Storey’s brand identity and aims to position Storey more competitively in the co-working space market.

Storey’s new emblem, heavily influenced by the tangram puzzle, includes two basic shapes representing the workspace and the unique aspects of each organization. The new iconography aims to enable compelling storytelling and create engaging content suitable for digital presentations and on-site guidance.

The redesign also drew inspiration from the interplay of positive and negative spaces, symbolic of the delicate balance businesses strive for within their organizations. The aim is to strike a harmonious balance between visual aesthetics and practical applicability, breathing life into office fixtures.

Storey also introduced a revised color scheme that mirrors the materials used in its physical spaces. This provides visual continuity between the virtual and physical environment and enhances the harmony and coherence of the brand image.

Additionally, the brand’s communication methods have been revamped to embody the standard of the spaces and deviate from cliches associated with co-working spaces, offering a fresh perspective. This strategy aims to amplify the brand’s unique attributes in a saturated marketplace while ensuring an authentic representation of its ethos.

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