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Former Baidu deputy fired amid worker exploitation debate

"Worker Exploitation Debate"
“Worker Exploitation Debate”

Qu Jing, the ex-Deputy Chief at Baidu, lost her job amid severe public disapproval stirred by her extreme work ethic and negligence of work-life balance. Her actions seemed to prioritize work over the importance of a healthy equilibrium between professional and personal life.

Public judgment of Jing intensified after uploads of several videos on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of TikTok. She was accused of a severe management style and apathy towards her employees’ personal lives, sparking a debate on worker exploitation in China’s tech industry. Despite criticism, Jing defended her management strategies as prerequisites for high performance and productivity.

Criticism of Jing grew when she rebuked an employee who could not travel on a work trip due to Covid-related travel restrictions. She was also notorious for overlooking the personal lives of her employees, prioritizing the interests of the company over their well-being.

Dismissal of Baidu deputy spurs exploitation debate

She ignored their family commitments and seemed insensitive towards the ongoing global pandemic, thus drawing increased reproof.

Her videos highlighted her relentless focus on work, often demanding personal and family sacrifices from employees. She made explicit threats to retaliate against employees who voiced their complaints, further intensifying resentment within the team.

Following the backlash, Jing was axed from her position at Baidu and expunged all traces of her affiliation with the company from her online presence. She expressed regret for her actions, clarifying that her personal views were not reflective of Baidu’s values.

As a result of the incident, discussions on Douyin and Weibo ignited. Critics implicated both Jing and Baidu for fostering an unhealthy work culture. Ivy Yang, founder of Wavelet Strategy, criticized Jing’s lack of empathy towards her colleagues.

The event emphasizes the escalating dissatisfaction in China against the lack of regulation in the tech sector’s work environments. Younger workers have become progressively disapproving of a culture that encourages excessive labor and fierce competition.

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