Today is the day that the U.S. Postal Service requires all parcels to bear an Intelligent Mail package barcode (IMpb) to qualify for Commercial Based Pricing, the most favorable pricing structure for packages. Small- and medium-sized business shippers will realize two main benefits from doing so, according to Pitney Bowes: better visibility and tracking for parcels and avoidance of a possible rate increase for those not following suit.
Specifically, IMpb codes will:
- be scanned as many as 11 times, enabling better tracking;
- be insured for free, up to $50 for Priority Mail and $100 for Priority Mail Express; and
- be priced from 5 to 50% lower depending on weight, class, and distance shipped.
IMpb-compliant software is supplied by several companies, including Bell and Howell and Endicia, as well as Pitney Bowes.