If you’re a marketer with some great ideas for how brands can use Instagram to make money, then Instagram’s got a job (or three) for you.
Despite Facebook and Twitter taking up the lions share of social media ad dollars, Instagram is expected to be the breakout star of the social media marketing world this year.
Much like Pinterest, Instagram has been rolling out its advertising program extremely cautiously, working with only a handful of trusted advertising partners initially. But make no mistake, once it kicks off, Instagram ads are going to be huge.
And if you needed any indication as to how seriously the company is taking its advertising ambitions, check out the job openings its currently listing on its corporate site:
While tech company job listings are usually dominated by openings for engineers, Instagram is looking for all types of marketing/advertising pros to help make it a better platform for brands and agencies. Here are some of the open positions:
First, the high level strategy people:
Then it’s the data/measurement guys who are needed:
Of course, let’s not forget the creatives…
And throw in a few brand developers to round out the team:
Time to polish up those resumes/LinkedIn profiles…
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