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Joy Allen-Altimare appointed as Saucony’s global CMO

"Joy Allen-Altimare Appointment"
“Joy Allen-Altimare Appointment”

Joy Allen-Altimare is taking on the role of global chief marketing officer at Saucony, a Wolverine Worldwide division. Her roles encompass leading global branding initiatives, overseeing advertising directions, and driving international expansion campaigns. Her appointment is a significant milestone in Saucony’s pursuit of global brand recognition and dominance.

Allen-Altimare will work closely with the brand’s president, to whom she reports directly. Global president Griffith praised her inclusive leadership style and capacity for prompting cultural shifts within the company. With enthusiasm, he anticipates the fresh perspective she brings in carrying out organizational strategies and driving innovative progress.

Prior to taking the wheel at Saucony, Allen-Altimare played integral roles at esteemed companies such as Havas Media Network, Kindbody, and EHE Health.

Allen-Altimare’s strategic leadership at Saucony

Through these roles, she accrued diverse industry experiences which are now beneficial to Saucony. Carrying forward this vast knowledge and expertise, she is expected to meet the company’s strategic goals and drive growth.

Idea of the depth and breadth of Saucony’s commitment to valuing diversity, equality, inclusivity, and sustainability drew Allen-Altimare to the brand. She is excited to enhance these values and contribute further to their promotion.

Wolverine Worldwide is on a determined path towards financial recovery, despite reporting lower profits in Q1 of 2024 in comparison to the previous year. However, they exceeded analyst predictions, adding a positive note. The company is actively striving to improve their fiscal health through product launches and market expansion in Q2.

Financial distress is prevalent across their other brands such as Merrell, Wolverine, and Sweaty Betty. Despite these challenges, Wolverine Worldwide’s CEO, Hufnagel, maintains a positive outlook, supported by an increased gross margin, rising direct-to-consumer sales, and a stronger balance sheet.

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