As a 29-year-old independent businessman who started a company in 1992, I resent your column, “At 25, We’re All Jerks.”
I started my company when I was 21, long before most of America ever heard of the Internet, and we are still going strong. I specifically resent the statement, “With few exceptions, a business run by people in their 20s is by definition a business run by jerks.”
Frankly, I find most businesses are run by jerks regardless of age. iMarketing News is yet another example.
For you to target me and my peers shows bitterness, jealousy and stupidity on your part. In the end, you blame the 50-year-olds who threw so much money at all these bad Internet ideas.
But who cares?
Did they ask you for the money?
Let them waste $20 million if that’s what they fancy.
Why make a blanket statement about me and my generation when you obviously know very little about us?
Your article says nothing new or interesting and serves little purpose other than to offend me and other businesspeople in their 20s.
Frankly, the 20-year-olds who got the millions were geniuses. They saw an opportunity and took it.
I think you’re just jealous because your cigarette-powered shopping newspaper failed. Lose the sour-grapes attitude and try writing about something that might actually interest people.
Jason Goodman, CEO, Multimedia Software Design, New York