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Parade marches into 2009 with 71 new distributors

Sunday newspaper insert Parade has signed new partnerships with 71 newspapers in 2008, increasing its national circulation by 2.42 million.

Most of the new partners will begin distribution of Parade in early 2009, bringing the magazine’s circulation up to 33 million copies in more than 470 newspapers as of January.

Christie Emden, VP of communications for Parade, credited, “…its long history of good editorial,” for the new partnerships.
“We speak to a lot of people about many different subjects,” she said. “Parade reaches an enormous national audience, so we have people from young teens to the elderly reading. We try to make the magazine as varied and interesting as possible to a very large group of readers.” 

Parade’s Spring 2008 MRI showed that 53% of readers were female, and 47% were male. Median age for adult readers is 49, and the median household income is $65,558.

Parade won over 53 of its 71 new partners from rival insert USA Weekend. The magazine’s biggest new signee is Connecticut’s New Haven Register, which, for the six months ending September 30, had an average Sunday circulation of 80,739.

Other new partners include the Connecticut Post in Bridgeport, CT; The Jersey Journal in Jersey City, NJ; and the Journal Star in Lincoln, NE.

“We are delighted to count these great newspapers among our list of distinguished partners,” said Randy Siegel, president and publisher of Parade, in a statement.

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