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Verizon overhauls brand for standout logo

"Standout Logo"
“Standout Logo”

Verizon, a well-established telecommunications powerhouse, recently declared its intention to overhaul its brand, focusing primarily on enhancing its somewhat unremarkable logo. Spearheaded by Leslie Berland, Head of Marketing, and Ricardo Aspiazu, Director of Creative and Brand Management, the revamp aims at creating a striking and memorable logo.

The rebranding strategy also includes a radical design process aimed at making the customer experience more direct and engaging. Verizon is determined to ensure its image is not just visible, but unforgettable, particularly in the digital media landscape. This initiative includes a comprehensive redesign of all brand elements for cross-platform consistency.

Interestingly, despite nearly 100% brand name recognition, only around a third of people can identify Verizon’s checkmark logo. This has led to significant rebranding measures, including a logo redesign, colour scheme changes, and a widespread advertising campaign, all targeted at making the logo more identifiable.

Inspired by customer feedback, the new symbol transforms the Verizon checkmark into a radiant ‘V’, representing the horizon.

Reimagining Verizon’s identity through logo redesign

The design includes a gold highlight reflecting the horizon on one side of the ‘V’, symbolising Verizon’s significant partnerships across the industry. This design strategy is expected to amplify the brand’s visual presence, further differentiating it from market competitors.

A significant facet of this brand transformation is the introduction of new uniforms for store staff, intending to create a more welcoming and engaging store environment. These stylish shirts have been designed to be comfortable and trendy enough for employees to wear outside of work hours.

Verizon’s popular catchphrase “Can you hear me now?” has received a contemporary makeover aligned with the new branding approach. This initiative aims to modernize the slogan while resurfacing its association with the company’s services.

As a final piece of the rebranding initiative, Verizon intends to broadcast numerous advertisements highlighting their renewed commitment to an improved user experience. This marketing strategy emphasizes not just awareness, but the creation of stronger bonds with consumers.

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