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What Are Ways to Increase Conversion Rates On Landing Pages?

What Are Ways to Increase Conversion Rates On Landing Pages?

Ever wondered how top experts manage to skyrocket conversion rates on landing pages? In this article, insights from a Head of Content and a President reveal the secrets. Discover how focusing on benefit-driven headlines can make a difference and wrap up with the importance of understanding product and market context. Get ready to explore seventeen actionable insights that can transform your landing page’s performance.

  • Focus on Benefit-Driven Headlines
  • Feature Unique Value Proposition
  • Provide Comprehensive Information
  • Implement Hyper-Personalized Content
  • Incorporate Social Proof
  • Align Message with Decision-Making Psychology
  • Simplify Your Landing Page
  • Create Urgency with Real-Time Data
  • Implement Clear Calls-to-Action
  • Optimize and Simplify Your CTA
  • Deliver Outstanding User Experience
  • Leverage Specific Social Proof
  • A/B Test Different Images
  • Use Great Product Photography
  • Boost Conversions with A/B Testing
  • Use Reverse Social Proof
  • Understand Product and Market Context

Focus on Benefit-Driven Headlines

Before we start talking about creating the landing pages, we always look at the offer. This is one of the highest-impact things you can do. Once you have a good offer, you’ll get conversions. Not before.

The second thing we do before building the page is come up with multiple versions of the headline.

After all, if the main headline doesn’t make sense, few people will read the rest of the page.

We focus on specific and benefit-driven headlines. If possible, we call out the specific customer avatar. We create two versions of the headline at a minimum and use MAB testing to quickly come up with winners.

Then, we continue to test. We have a checklist, but the things we like to test first include:

  • Headlines and subheadline text
  • Images
  • Testimonials and their placement
  • Offer presentation (how do we stack the benefits, when do we introduce it)
  • VSL vs. all text pages

At the end of the day, there are no magic bullets, but here are some things to always keep in your back pocket:

  1. Benefit-driven headline.
  2. Message match (where they’re coming from should mirror the landing page, e.g., the promise on an ad should be reflected in the headline, the colors should be similar, etc.).
  3. Match the page to their level of awareness.
  4. Always use testimonials and other trust signals. If you don’t have that, then give the product away for free to ensure you get some. Seriously, it’s that important.
  5. Continue to tweak your offer until it’s so good they think they’re dumb to say no.

Daniel NdukwuDaniel Ndukwu
CMO and Co-Founder, DoxFlowy

Feature Unique Value Proposition

Since landing pages serve buyers with the highest intent, conversion rate optimization here becomes about creating stronger conviction.

What we’ve employed time and again for client websites is to feature the unique value proposition with a powerful headline. We’ve also seen that the most powerful headlines are never longer than 7 words—because the idea is to get them to scroll from here to see the offering and also the CTA, in case that’s not featured in the first fold.

And to make the landing-page headline turn in conversions, always support it with a line of microcopy that clearly states how your brand creates value for the target audience—talking about a pain point and clarifying how the brand solves it can work wonders.

Harsh VardhanHarsh Vardhan
Head of Content, Convertcart

Provide Comprehensive Information

The one way to enhance conversion rates on your landing page is to ensure you provide comprehensive information about your offerings, including testimonials if available. Potential customers need compelling reasons to choose your products or services. Clearly differentiate your offerings from competitors to persuade visitors to take action.

Md Nadeem RazaMd Nadeem Raza
Founder & CEO, ToolsPivot

Implement Hyper-Personalized Content

To increase conversion rates on landing pages, I focus on hyper-personalization, tailoring content and offers to individual user preferences and behaviors. This involves using data analytics to understand customer journeys and creating dynamic content that responds to specific triggers. For instance, if a user consistently clicks on eco-friendly products, presenting them with a landing page emphasizing sustainable choices can make a significant difference.

Providing personalized social proof, such as testimonials or user-generated content relevant to the visitor’s interests, adds a sense of authenticity. Experiment with A/B testing to refine these personalized elements, ensuring that every visitor is met with a page that feels thoughtfully curated just for them.

Valentin RaduValentin Radu
CEO & Founder, Blogger, Speaker, Podcaster, Omniconvert

Incorporate Social Proof

Incorporate social proof. Social proof includes customer testimonials, reviews, case studies, and trust badges that showcase the positive experiences of your existing customers. Displaying honest feedback and endorsements creates trust. For example, featuring a few heartfelt testimonials from satisfied customers or logos of reputable companies you’ve worked with can significantly enhance your brand’s reliability.

Additionally, including statistics such as, “Join over 10,000 happy customers,” or showcasing media mentions can further validate your offerings. Social proof reassures potential customers and creates an emotional connection, encouraging them to take the desired action and ultimately boosting your landing page’s conversion rates.

Kristin Kimberly MarquetKristin Kimberly Marquet
Founder and Creative Director, Marquet Media

Align Message with Decision-Making Psychology

Driving conversion on a landing page requires aligning your message with the psychology of decision-making. Entrepreneurs should focus on more than design—tap into your audience’s emotions and intent. Understand their pain points and desires, and frame your solution as the clear answer. When your messaging resonates emotionally, visitors are more likely to take action.

Break down the decision process with micro-commitments. Instead of pushing for a full conversion up front, guide users with smaller steps like “Learn More” or “Get Started.” These low-pressure actions reduce friction, helping them move closer to the final conversion without feeling overwhelmed.

Credibility is crucial, and it goes beyond static testimonials. Implement live elements like real-time visitor counts or recent purchases. These subtle signals create a sense of urgency and social proof, reinforcing that others are choosing your solution right now. This builds trust, showing that you’re not only offering value but also that people are already benefiting from it.

Ultimately, it’s about combining emotional resonance with actionable steps and real-time credibility. When you engage both the mind and emotions, your landing page becomes a conversion engine that truly resonates with your audience and drives them to take action.

Samuel ThimothySamuel Thimothy
Co-Founder, OneIMS

Simplify Your Landing Page

In my opinion, the best way to optimize a landing page is to simplify it. Remove any distractions, unnecessary images, or links that take the user away from the main goal. Place your call-to-action button at a visibly distinct position on the landing page. Make it the only reasonable clickable option.

You must also optimize the conversion process. The fewer steps a visitor needs to take, the higher the chance for conversion.

Emphasize the value of your product or service by using persuasive language and create the impression that the user has landed on the right page.

Nikola BaldikovNikola Baldikov
Founder, InBound Blogging

Create Urgency with Real-Time Data

Create urgency subtly using real-time data. Show limited stock, implement countdown timers for promotions, or display viewer numbers. These psychological triggers encourage quick decisions without seeming pushy. Combine with clear, benefit-focused messaging to maintain trust while driving conversions. This approach maximizes impact organically, boosting conversion rates effectively.

Solomon ThimothySolomon Thimothy
President, OneIMS

Implement Clear Calls-to-Action

An effective way to increase conversion rates on landing pages is to implement clear and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs). These include:

  1. Make the CTA button visually conspicuous through contrasting colors and strategic placement.
  2. Use action-oriented, specific language that creates urgency (e.g., “Start Your Free Trial Now” instead of just “Sign Up”).
  3. Ensuring the CTA is relevant to the user’s stage in the buyer’s journey and the landing page’s content.
  4. Reduce friction by minimizing the number of form fields or steps required to complete the desired action.

Srishti JainSrishti Jain
Sr Marketing Executive, Marcitors

Optimize and Simplify Your CTA

Improving landing page efficiency in terms of conversion also needs a targeted approach and begins with an effective CTA.

Here’s how you can simplify and optimize your CTA to increase conversions:

  1. Clear and Compelling CTA: In the case of your CTA, you should aim at being as specific and proactive as possible. Similes are overly used when it comes to labeling call-to-action buttons, so instead of them, use brief phrases like “Sign Up Now” or “Get Started Today.” It should also be a different color from the background and larger in size as a button.
  1. Reduce Distractions: Minimalism of the page means minimizing any additional objects that prevent a user from accomplishing the goal. This involves removing additional links, pop-ups, or large amounts of text that may likely put off most visitors.
  1. A/B Testing: Select a range of Calls to Action and preview them on your landing page to determine which will be most effective. Change parameters such as the color and location of the button as well as the text written on it. Google Optimize or Optimizely is great to use when conducting A/B tests.
  1. Optimize for Page Speed: If a page takes too much time to load, this is likely to ruin the conversion rates. Make sure that your landing page is fast by utilizing image optimization, coding optimization, and caching.
  1. Highlight Benefits: Clearly let users know what they stand to gain or benefit from when they take action. Don’t just state why you want users to perform a particular action; explain why it is pertinent or beneficial for them to do so.

Hanee RazaHanee Raza
Digital Marketer, objects

Deliver Outstanding User Experience

To increase conversion rates on landing pages, delivering an outstanding user experience is key. Start by ensuring your page offers a compelling value proposition, social proof, and a clear call-to-action, all placed above the fold where possible. Simplify the user journey by keeping forms short and easy to complete. Avoid distractions by removing navigation links and external page links that might lead users away. Instead, use directional cues, like images or subtle animations, to guide the user’s eye toward your CTA.

Consistency is critical. Your landing page should reflect the look and messaging of the ad or link that brought users there, so they feel confident they’ve arrived at the right place. Keep the design clean by eliminating clutter and using white space between elements, which improves readability and focus. Make sure your page loads quickly, as slow loading times can drastically reduce conversions.

Finally, A/B testing is essential. Continuously test different elements of the page, focusing on one change at a time, such as the headline or CTA, to gather reliable data and refine your strategy over time.

Andrew KucheriavyAndrew Kucheriavy
CEO / Founder, Intechnic

Leverage Specific Social Proof

Increasing conversion rates on landing pages is like fine-tuning a high-performance engine—small tweaks can lead to big results.

One powerful technique we’ve found is using social proof. It’s like having a trusted friend vouch for you at a networking event. We’ve seen conversion rates jump by 15% just by adding customer testimonials or trust badges to landing pages.

Here’s a pro tip: make your social proof specific and relatable. Instead of generic praise, use testimonials that address common pain points your target audience faces. For a web design landing page, we might highlight a client saying, “Harmanjit’s team increased our online sales by 30% with their responsive design.”

Remember to place your social proof strategically. We often put it near call-to-action buttons for maximum impact. It’s like positioning a salesperson next to the checkout counter—it gives that final reassurance needed to convert.

But don’t just set it and forget it. A/B test different types and placements of social proof. What works for one audience might not work for another. It’s all about understanding your specific visitors and what motivates them to take action.

In the end, effective conversion rate optimization is about building trust and reducing friction. Social proof does both, making it a powerful tool in any CRO toolkit.

Harmanjit SinghHarmanjit Singh
Founder & CEO, Origin Web Studios

A/B Test Different Images

A/B test different images using Google Analytics. We’ve found that bright, simple images reduced our bounce rate by over 15%.

Have multiple “Contact Us” buttons throughout the page, not just at the bottom. Some customers don’t want to scroll all the way down to fill out the evaluation form.

If you can use an image to explain something, use an image. If it’s in long-paragraph form, people won’t read it.

After the customer fills out the evaluation form, make sure you’re having a sales rep reach out in under 30 minutes. Don’t let the customer forget about your product.

Utilize Google Ads retargeting campaigns for customers who are interested but fell out of the funnel midway through.

Zach DowneyZach Downey
Director of Sales, Distinctive Vending

Use Great Product Photography

When I was working on a travel site that featured hotels in unique travel destinations, we started by promoting hotels across the price ranges of affordable, mid-range, and high-end. We put tracking in place to measure which types of hotels were converting, and when looking at the data, our minds kept getting skewed into thinking conversions had something to do with price or the destination. While sometimes that was true, it wasn’t always the case.

The data was inconclusive and getting confusing. But after stepping back and looking at the creative, we suddenly realized that a major conversion factor was the featured photo of the hotel. Those hotel photos that showed a pool would convert at a much higher rate, even if the price point didn’t seem like the greatest deal.

Great product photography is an amazingly powerful way to increase conversions; it’s not just about a technically good photo, it’s also about connecting with the target audience and generating desire for ownership, or, in the case of hotels, the desire to be there.

If you’re struggling with A/B tests and doing the usual button/CTA tests, consider switching the product photography. If you don’t already have good photos, it might be time to invest in some professional product photography, especially if your content is going to be syndicated out across other distribution channels.

Reuben YauReuben Yau
VP SEO, Vizion Interactive

Boost Conversions with A/B Testing

One effective way to boost conversion rates on landing pages is through A/B testing. By experimenting with different headlines, images, and calls-to-action, businesses can analyze what resonates best with visitors. This data-driven approach helps optimize the page for user engagement, leading to higher conversion rates. Additionally, leveraging social proof—such as customer testimonials or success stories—enhances credibility and trust. A clear, compelling headline and streamlined lead-capture forms further improve performance. Prioritizing mobile responsiveness and user experience ensures seamless device interaction, encouraging visitors to stay and convert.

Utkarsh SharmaUtkarsh Sharma
AI Motion Graphic Designer Head, Big Oh Tech

Use Reverse Social Proof

One technique I have found particularly helpful in increasing conversion rates is what I like to call “reverse social proof,” which emphasizes what a user misses out on by not converting. For example, a mattress brand I worked with increased their conversions by as much as 15% using reverse social proof, with callouts like, “7,200 people avoided back pain by choosing us. Will you?”

Yannick BikkerYannick Bikker
Founder, Nudgly

Understand Product and Market Context

A landing page often fits into a broader ecosystem. While optimizing the page itself is important, it’s essential to consider the product, services, and market context. Understanding why users love your product (which might differ from what you assume) and why they may be hesitant about your product category is crucial.

For instance, users might believe an alternative, like years of experience over certification or home-care instead of a product, is sufficient, which could be the main barrier to conversion.

When refining your messaging, focus on addressing what might stop users from seeing your product’s value and highlight features that resonate with them, not just those that make your business look good (e.g., vague claims of values or years of experience). This approach offers a solid starting point for identifying what to improve or test to increase your conversion rate.

Marie TaupiacMarie Taupiac
SEO Director, Orange Line

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