Health information Web sites have grown 21% as a category in the past year, according to a recent report from ComScore.
For the month of July, ComScore reported that WebMD Health remained the leader within the health information category with approximately 17.3 million visitors. This was a year-over-year increase of 3%.
WebMD Health also led the category in total display ad views for the month of June. During that month, the site delivered 290 million display ad views.
Everyday Health saw a year-over-year increase of 63% in total unique visitors. As of July, it was the second most visited site within the category with 14.7 million visitors.
However, Everyday Health lagged behind WebMD Health, Revolution Health Network and AOL Health in total display ad views for the month of June. The site delivered 154 million views during that month, comScore reported.
Revolution Health Network, the third most visited health information site in the US, also saw significant year-over-year growth. From July of 2007 to July of 2008, the number of total unique visitors to the site grew from 4.0 million to 11.3 million.
According to ComScore, Everyday Health and Revolution Health Network’s recent partnerships with several smaller health sites have helped those companies grow. Some strategic acquisitions have also contributed to that growth.
Improved functionality and personalization have also led to growth in this category, ComScore added. People have also become more comfortable using the Internet for health research.